Monday, October 26, 2009

Torette's Schmourette's

I have Tourettes syndrome, but not the fun kind, where you can yell, "Asshole!" when you see someone you dislike and then totally be like, "oh, I'm sorry, I have this mental conditon..."

I have a very special type of mental tourettes-- a mourette's if you will. It's like my inner child (a very petulant one at that) and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to control.

As I go about my daily life, and in the midst of conversations, words pop into my head. They have nothing to do with my actions or the conversations I'm participating in. They're just words.

Sesquipedalian. Fiduciary. Euphonious. Boulevardier. Convivial.

Sometimes the words actually have a theme. Arpeggio. Tarentella. Libretto. Syncopation. Sforzando.

Often, as the former, they do not.

If there were a name for my particular disorder, my mental diarrhea, I wonder what it would be. Lexicoconcordancitis? Repertoiryterminosis? Wow, just coming up with these new terms makes me all tingly in my special places.

Anybody who's ever really known me is aware that I've always walked a tightrope between sanity and absolute lunacy. I think my descention has begun. The proverbial fat lady has sung and that's all, folks.

I'd seek counselling, but I'm afraid I'd find the therapist to be: ingenuous, incredulous, inexorable...



  1. Join the club.

    Tourette's Guy himself has been known to say, "SHIT FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!"
    "BOB SAGET!"
    "Welcome to my world SHIT MONKEYS!"
    "The garbage disposal sounds like Chewbacca taking a shit!"

  2. Love the support group sign. Cracked me up.

  3. Hehehe, you're too funny static. Hmmmm, I think I'll have to blog on tourette's just a little more... Could be a fun topic to explore :)

  4. Hahaha! Oh my god, I am laughing so hard!

  5. Too funny!!! I had to look up half those words to see if they were real or not... show how limited my vocab is!!!

